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March 4, 2011 / chanaman

random musings from Seoul #1

C: Amanda, you know what happened just now?
Me:  ??
C: That guy (points to Korean colleague) walked over just then to talk to me
Me: *nods head
C:  He said, “You looked boring!” He told me I was boring!
Me: What?, slightly surprised
C: Yeah, but what he actually meant was – “you  looked bored..”


Host father to me: there are many funny things about face.

Prior to the above statement, I was explaining to my host dad that because I am Asian, I have on numerous occasions, been mistaken as a Korean. This has lead to many funny incidents. Basically what he was trying to say (or so I hope) was because of the way you look, you have had many humourous experiences. Instead it came out as “there are many funny things about my face”. Haha, I will let this slide considering he is not a native speaker of English 😉


“If wearing face masks and using facial blotches are his worse habits, I will gladly take him.”



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